photo of green circuit board

Electronic Design

In need of bespoke electronic circuit board design? Need something where nothing already on the market quite fits the bill? We have you covered. 

Teisa Limited can offer full PCB design and supply services. Our designs can be completely built from scratch to suit your specific requirements. 

We have successfully developed a number of products to fulfil the specific needs of our customers. Some of the features we have implemented so far include OLED user interfaces, Modbus communications and DC motor control with multi-axis positioning.

All hardware and software design being in-house means that any modifications to firmware is achieved with confidence. Component shortages can be circumnavigated by adapting the design with minimal impact. Future variations on design can be met with relative ease, all to the specific requirements of you, the customer. As with all of our engineering solutions, we aim to work collaboratively with our clients to achieve the best possible outcome.

This is one of our multi-axis motor control boards, designed for a customer to meet specific requirements: